The Biggest Takeaways from Five Years of this Podcast

Episode #250

Episode #250


Holy cow! This is episode 250 of the Grow Your Video Business podcast. Five years ago, my buddy Matt and I started this show to help video makers succeed as business owners. It’s been an amazing journey. For today’s special episode, I want to share the three biggest takeaways I’ve learned from hosting five years of this podcast.

Key Takeaways

Your core values are what give your business direction. They’re how you structure your company and must be at the center of how you build your team.

Having systems and structures in place for your business will allow you to stay on mission when the unexpected occurs.

Why You and Your Business Need Core Values

 Identifying what you want to drive your business is critical. At my studio, knowing our core values has given me clarity on who I want on my team and what we are ultimately striving for. 

Your core values should be at the center of how you build your team. When you begin hiring and firing according to our core values, it will find its way into your company culture. It will influence how you interact with clients and complete projects. It will make your job easier by giving you something to measure success against.

Have a Vision and the Structure to Put it into Action

Having core values is just the start. Part of success is being focused and clear on what you want as a business. Build a plan around that clarity that includes the accountability to get you there.

But if you’re the business’ visionary, you’ll likely have more ideas than can be practically put into action. I describe the EOS model and how it provides a framework for applying your business’ ideas in practical and productive ways.

Becoming the Master of Your Time

One thing I’ve noticed since starting my business is that time moves quickly. The longer I’ve been a business owner, the more time I’ve wanted to free up for myself. I want more time with my family and to pursue the things I love. 

To this end, I’ve done my best to make myself redundant at work. I want my business to run efficiently without me. That’s why we’ve created packages and automated systems that allow me to step away from a lot of the responsibility of day-to-day operations.

 In This Episode

  • How this podcast and Studio Sherpas got their start [2:00]
  • The importance of having core values [13:20]
  • Having the structures in place to implement your vision [24:00]
  • The importance of time management to create more freedom for yourself [29:00]


“This has transformed my life and business. I’ve been able to interview people - to sit at the feet of so many incredibly smart and talented people.” [10:39]

“Nail down some core values that you would be able to say are requirements for working here. Hire and fire by these core values.” [23:47]

“You don’t have to be the bottleneck in your business. There are other ways to build a business. Granted, you might be the most amazing, creative director that there is. That’s awesome. And you can build on that and not always be the one on call.” [32:05]

“I’m getting more used to this idea of delegating and hiring other people to do what they are an expert at. That is allowing me to stay in my zone of genius.” [40:47]



The E-Myth

The Ideal Team Player by Patrick Lencioni

Traction by Gino Wickman

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