Why You Need To Ditch The Shortcuts And Do The Work w/ Dane Sanders

Season #1 Episode #34

Ok, so to be completely honest, I don’t even know how to sum up my conversation with today’s guest, Dane Sanders. I left our call completely jacked up, inspired, and motivated to be better, and I have a feeling this episode is going to do the same for you.

Dane spent 12 years as a professional photographer before a “leadership book [he] snuck into the photography community” took off and helped him realize that he had more to offer the world. He now works as a speaker, coach, has written two best-selling books, is the founder of Fastermind.co, hosts the Converge Podcast, and organizes the annual Go Summit.

Yeah, he’s a busy guy with a ton of insight and drive.

With so much on his plate, Dane has realized that maybe the most important skill to develop is understanding how to prioritize your time effectively. We also talk about why good coaching is essential, and what to look for in a good coach, how he hacked his way to leveling up his friend group and why you should do the same, and why you should be focussing on the process and your body of work, rather than individual successes and setbacks.


In this episode:

  • How to prioritize your time effectively
  • Why we need a strong community as freelancers and business owners
  • How Dane was able to dramatically level up his friend group
  • Why the most important thing in your life and business is actually knowing what it is you really want
  • So so much more!



“If you’re going to be ‘yourname.com’ in any category, you ought to think about who you actually are, and get the becoming right before you get lost in the doing.” [6:35]

“I think when people realize that they have a scaling problem, they come up against themselves. They have to make some hard decisions as a leader and an owner and really get clear on what is their value?” [10:30]

“The myth of the shortcut is so prevalent in our world. You have to almost violently fight against it.”[14:04]



Find Dane Online


Converge Podcast

Go Summit

Fast Track Photographer


Books Recommendations: 

E-Myth Revisited

Permission Marketing


Boundaries For Leaders

Deep Work

So Good They Can’t Ignore You

Letters To A Young Poet - Rilke translated by Charlie Leuth

Check out the full show notes page

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